Do wooden blinds block out the light?

Discover the truth about wooden blinds and their ability to block out light. While they may not be as effective as blackout blinds, they still provide a significant level of darkness. Find out how wooden blinds compare to blackout blinds and learn if ladder tapes make a difference. Uncover the secrets of light-blocking with wooden blinds in this informative blog post.

How good are wooden blinds at blocking out the light?

How good are wooden blinds at blocking out the light?

Discover the truth about wooden blinds and blackout blinds. While wooden blinds may not technically be considered blackout blinds, they do offer significant light reduction. Unlike blackout blinds, wooden blinds have small gaps between the slats that can allow some light to filter through. Additionally, the lift cords used in wooden blinds create tiny holes that can also let in minimal light. However, wooden blinds with ladder tapes can help minimize light leakage from these holes. In most cases, you would need a very dark room with strong outside lighting to notice any significant light coming through wooden blinds. Keep in mind that there may be slight light leakage around the edges of the blind, especially if it is hung inside the window recess.

Can wooden blinds make your rooms dark?

Experience ultimate darkness with wooden blinds. While they may not be classified as blackout blinds, they create a pitch-black environment that even your adjusted eyes won't be able to penetrate. Say goodbye to stumbling around blindly and embrace the perfect setting for a restful sleep. Forget about light leakage, even actual blackout blinds can't compare to the darkness achieved with wooden blinds. Don't waste time splitting hairs - choose the blinds that truly deliver on darkness.

Can you sleep with wooden blinds in your room?

The ideal level of light for a good night's sleep varies from person to person. Some individuals require complete darkness while others struggle with a fully darkened room. However, for the majority of sleepers, wooden blinds can effectively block out light and promote better sleep. On the other hand, there are people who prefer some light in the room, either to help them wake up naturally or to get a sense of time. In such cases, wooden blinds may be too effective at keeping light out.



Wooden blinds are an effective and stylish choice for home light control, creating a cosy ambience for a comfortable sleeping environment. While they may not entirely block out sunlight, their material and design impact their light-filtering capabilities. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual preferences and specific needs.